We’re Official!
USDA celebrates Sioux Honey Association Co-op’s Centennial
Since 1921, the Sioux Honey Association Co-op has been working together to provide the best honey possible, and we couldn’t be prouder to be an official USDA Century Cooperative.
“Sioux Honey Association is indeed a century cooperative that shows the sustainability of the cooperative model and how concrete benefits can be derived from a cooperative, both for the members participating in its use, ownership, and returns, but also for the high quality American-grown products the co-op provides to consumers through the U.S. food and fiber system,” says the USDA.

Of course, we would have never reached the century mark if not for the tireless work of our beekeeper families – many of whom are on their third and fourth generation of Sioux Honey membership. A warm and heartfelt thank you to all of them, and to all our Sioux Honey team members who have helped us achieve this milestone.
You can read more about how Sioux Honey has grown from five local beekeepers in Sioux City, Iowa, 100 years ago to more than 200 beekeeper members across the United States today in the article, “A Century of Sweet Success: Sioux Honey Association.”